Creatively Thinking With Carolyn Botelho

Erica Hawkes Episode #4: Caught In A Moment

Carolyn Botelho/Erica Hawke Season 2 Episode 4

Exposed to both American and Canadian landscapes has enriched Erica Hawkes' creative practice in unique ways. Following the flowing hills and rugged coastlines of the west coast has inspired her to create masterful compositions that have combined two distinct styles into one  perspective.

Being able to blend and merge the techniques of the Group of Sevens' impressionistic style and the dynamic energies and colours found in the early modernist ideals of Art Nouveau. Erica creates a sense of magic with her Artwork. Explore these new perspectives that she transcribes to us with a sense of painterly inquiry that highlights and moves us into a new way of seeing our Canadian countryside. 

Hawkes has the ability to give us a new way of portraying our Canadian landscapes in a truly original way. This is refreshing and exciting; providing Canada with a new vision of our previously delightful Group of Sevenesque style, transformed into a new fusion of our glorious country in an original way. Truly magnificent. 

Erica Hawkes Podcast Interview Credits:
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Podcast by Carolyn Botelho

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