Creatively Thinking With Carolyn Botelho
Join Carolyn Botelho as she goes beneath the surface with local Creative Professionals on their practice, inspiration, and perspectives. Carolyn pulls you underneath the fabric of their creativity, where we discover how their genius of communicating in the Arts transforms, and translates into spectacular reality. What does their medium say about them?
What do they think of originality? Authenticity? In what moment of their creativity does their true passion sit? Is it in the imagination stage? Conceptualization? Or the Gallery or Stage? What are their feelings on Abstraction? Realism? Where are they seeing their career taking them in the next ten years? Do they have any political or social agendas with their Art?
Currently we are working on the Second Season where we go further into how Creative Professionals are incorporating their practice into mainstream society. How is their understanding of and practice pushing boundaries and developing their skills? How does the business side of being an Artist change being an Artist? Second season will be released soon!
Creatively Thinking With Carolyn Botelho
Laura Beaton Episode #14: Brush Paints A Harmony Of Styles
Describing her background as Scottish bagpipes and high tea Laura Beaton's creative practice fuses distinctly Asian cultural styles with her Canadian heritage to create an authenticity that is uniquely her own.
Join me as we take a deep dive on where Laura found her initial inspiration, how it has transformed over the years, and what continues to motivate her creative practice. This combination of techniques and painting skills has an intense structure rooted in perfectionism.
How has Laura found her trajectory in the Art World? Has her distinguished skills resonated locally and in China? How has calligraphy played a part in her practice? Does she illustrate books with her Chinese brush paintings?
Podcast Credits:
Sound Effects from Pixby
Audio Links from
Podcast by Carolyn Botelho
Alan K. Joe – Author of ‘Of Ox and Unicorn’
Asian Arts & Culture Trust -
Mississauga Arts Council -
Sumi-e Artists of Canada -
International Chinese Calligraphy and Ink Paint Society, North America